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Welcome new Harbor maintainers!
Two new contributors join the maintainer ranks
March 4, 2019
Harbor Team
Today we are announcing the addition of two new maintainers for the Harbor project. We are grateful for their contributions and are looking forward to a long and impactful involvement.
kofj is an engineer at Qihoo 360, a well-known internet security company. Frank is in charge of operating and maintaining the company’s internal container registry platform which is built on top of Harbor. He has deep experience of Harbor and is very actively involved in the Harbor community.
Frank made very important contributions in V1.7, developing the build history feature. Now he’s a member of the replication workgroup which is committed to deliver the next generation replication service in V1.8.
His nomination request is approved in PR.
@mmpei works at Netease where he’s focused on container related work. MingMing is one of the primary developers and maintainer of Netease’s container registry service which makes use of Harbor.
MingMing is very actively involved in the Harbor community and made very important contributions in V1.7. He implemented the database logger for the running job in a very tight timeline. Now he’s a member of the replication workgroup which is committed to deliver the next generation replication service in V1.8. In addition, he’s also committed to deliver the webhook feature which will benefit the Harbor CI/CD integration scenario in the next release.
His nomination request is approved in PR.
Again, welcome Frank and MingMing!